When I first spoke with the Grand Canyon University, I was very highly impressed. I was able to have a conversation with the woman; and she truly let me tell her about what I wanted and desired out of furthering my education. We spoke for quite awhile, and she encouraged me to speak with other universities and even told me good questions to ask. She encouraged me to do my homework and assured me that she would do hers as well.

Whatever the case, I told my parents what I was actually considering while out for my birthday - Feb. 1. It was strange to tell them; like I said, this Hyde County girl has never even thought of such experiences. The idea was new to them as well, but they were supportive. I stayed in touch with GCU (and other universities, as they continued to contact me) throughout time. And although it was made clear to me that I could complete the program entirely online (with the exception of a few visits to the university regarding my dissertation), I became more interested in actually meeting these people, experiencing Phoenix for myself, and actually checking out the university
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