It took me a whole month to get my resume out to Grand Canyon University - a month! I was scared. It took me two weeks (at least) to even get my resume in order. Thanks to Carrie Carman-Jewers for all the help with my resume, by the way. :-)
I was scared! Scared of a big move. Scared I'd actually get a job. Scared of a new job. Scared of new goals and dreams. Scared of leaving behind old goals and dreams. Just scared.
But I submitted my application and resume to GCU for three (3) different positions the middle of May, 2013. I waited a week - and heard nothing. So I contacted GCU regarding my recent submission, only to receive an email stating, "We will let you know" - basically that's what it said. haha Whatever the case, I did it - and no one could say that I was bluffing.....or was I?!? In the mean time, I assured my family that I would only make the move to AZ if I got a job at GCU (which at that time, i was sort of hoping that it wouldn't happen - but at the same time, believing that if it happened, it would certainly be a God thing - which I would never allow myself to turn down)!
So I waited for a month - nothing! And at the end of that month, I was a little stressed about my plans for the upcoming school year. The current school year was coming to a close and I still did not, "technically" have a set job. Now THAT is scary. But I knew God would provide; well.....I kept reminding myself that he would provide. Because He does.....He just does - if He takes care of the birds, surely he'll take care of us....., right Sarah Dickens Swain?!? :-)
Anyways, GCU continued to stay on my mind, throughout all of the different emotions.
And then, the change in plans.......
I was scheduled to take a visit (drive, actually) to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania the middle of June for a friend's wedding that I was in. I actually took the last work day off to make the drive to PA for the celebration of Jenn and Eric Grzegorczk (it's actually Grzegorczyk, but I was proud of myself for the almost-correct spelling the first time.....proud Jenn???). ;-)
Whatever the case, I told my mom the Monday before I left for PA what I was contemplating: moving to Phoenix the first week of July without a job........ I told her I knew it sounded absolutely insane, but while the plan itself sounded crazy, I felt very strongly about it. I decided to take the trip to PA - the long drive there and back, by myself - to pray and seek the Lord on this matter. Mom was very supportive, by the way - she knew that sometimes the Lord requires us to do some crazy-sounding things....:-)
My trip came and went - and the following Monday, I met with mom and told her my plan:
to move to Arizona without a job and to do very little research for a place to stay. Okay, now I know some of you are gonna think I'm weird. But I've noticed when the Lord puts something on my heart and times He will not let it go until I follow through. And I'm okay with this - it's just hard to share with other people, because truth be's hard for our little human minds to comprehend. lol I told mom I wanted to rent a uHaul and pull my car across the country to Arizona - and I wanted her to go with me, if she would. lol She might have been overwhelmed folks, but she did not show it......she was very supportive. lol Now it was time to tell Daddy......dun dun dun.....
I needed to tell him in person, and that particular Monday and Tuesday, he was in Mississippi....rats!! That Wednesday was....tough.....and that Thursday I couldn't take it anymore, I had to drive home to tell Daddy.
Okay so he didn't take it very well - but as I'm writing this and thinking back through my story.....ummmmm, I had been assuring him that I would only go if I got a job....and a uHaul.....across the country???? lol Alright, I'm not gonna focus on this part of the story right now as it makes me sad - that was really hard to tell my daddy....really, really hard. lol But I know he only loves me and wants to protect me - I totally get that. I still had another Daddy putting stuff on my heart, though. That was a tough time. lol
So within the next two weeks (before the first of July), I planned as little as possible for apartment hunting (just enough to appease daddy, but little enough to appease my other Daddy), and changed my plans for how to get there on several occasions. Fourteen foot UHaul, pulling my car on an auto-tow, with mama and/or daddy. My car - pulling a uHaul trailer with a hitch (hahaha). And finally - sell all your stuff and just take the car. I went for the latter; although all of my stuff didn't sell in two days, a good bit of it did and the rest mom and dad agreed to help take care of (good will, salvation army, storage at home, etc).
And then the travels..... To end this post, I want to make it known that my dad has been very supportive - even before I left. It was a hard thing to swallow (understandably so), and hard to let his baby girl move across the country - but he's always just wanted me to be happy. He knows I'm he's happy! :-)
... I will even make a road in the wilderness. And rivers in the desert... ~ Isaiah 43:18-19

Monday, August 19, 2013
The Visit - April 2013
From January 2013 until - Grand Canyon University had been on my well as a potential move. Actually, a big move (like I've mentioned before) had been on my mind for several years. And for whatever reason, which I honestly don't recall, I very quickly thought that a trip to Arizona to actually see GCU and what Phoenix had to offer would be appropriate. This decision to visit was a very quick one - and would potentially be a risk, financially. So, I called my dad.
Now if you know me well, you know that at times I have had a hard time talking with my dad about such issues. I do not say this to be disrespectful to my father - I love my father and honestly have an utmost respect for him. However, at times, I've been scared that we may not see eye-to-eye on such matters and he, like myself (lol), is willing to speak his mind and communicate his disagreements. I HATE it when we disagree (hahahaha) - all I've ever wanted to do is make him proud of me.....not make him disappointed or to make life choices that he disagrees with!!
So why did I call my dad? I have no idea! hahaha BUT - it was the best phone call ever!! He listened so well (I mean ACTIVELY), and was very in tune to what I was saying and trying to get across. I simply told him that I knew it was crazy, but I was thinking of taking a quick trip to Arizona to "feel it out" and check out GCU. I also told him that even though I could complete the whole post-graduate program online, I was considering a move and AZ might would be something to think about and look into. And finally, I told him if I chose to take this trip (on my spring break, by the way), it would potentially be a financial risk.
I actually wanted his opinion on this matter - the financial risk part. And I don't want to get too personal here on the web, especially about my father, but as a farmer, my daddy is very much aware and experienced with financial risks. His advice: "Court - it's just how you said it, it's a risk. Now sometimes you dwell and dwell and dwell on the decision you have to make and you finally make it, and things don't turn out quite how you wanted them to. But other times - other times, such good things can come from it. It's just a risk - and we all take them at some point in our lives." I had a hard time putting that in quotation marks, because honestly - that's not EXACTLY what he said - but it was daggone close!! And I so appreciated his advice and the time he spent with me on the phone that afternoon. And I told him, "I'm booking my flight when I get home, daddy." And he said, "okay."
So I booked the flight, the hotel, and the rental car about four days before my scheduled time to leave. And that's how my spring break would be spent - a visit to Arizona!
The Visit:
So now that you all know that I'm actually here - in Arizona, I bet that most of you are already thinking, "Yeah.....her visit must have been really great!!" hehe - boy do I have you fooled!! It was actually NOT that great! lol I can honestly say that I have never been so overwhelmed and emotional. haha
I chalk this up to a couple of things:
1) I flew to Arizona - alone - lol
2) I rented a car in Arizona - alone - hehe
3) I booked a hotel close to the airport in Phoenix (BIG no-no.......I know this now...haha)
4) Phoenix is LARGE......
5) Phoenix is very different than Eastern NC....haha
6) The people in Phoenix are very different than those in Eastern NC - haha
and one of the biggest -
7) I was allowing myself for the first time, to truly accept the possibility of new goals and dreams for myself.
and probably one more -
8) the following story:
So yes, I was overwhelmed with sketchy down-town Phonenix (or at least where I was booked to stay), and exhausted from the plane flight, the car rental, and Phoenix in general - but my very first visit to GCU was very emotionally overwhelming......
I visited GCU the very first morning I was there. I had gotten to Phoenix the afternoon prior to only yet experience the rather ghetto parts of the city, but decided GCU would be my first visit. That was, in fact, the main reason for the mini-vacay. Well GCU also happens to be in the Whatever the case, GCU was wonderful!!! I loved the campus, the people, the christian band playing in the room next door - it was truly wonderful!!
But the first thing that was said to me as I sat down with a post-graduate recruiter, "Okay, let's get you a job," as she opened up her laptop. "Ummm, wow. Well, actually I was mainly interested in getting to know more about GCU and the doctoral program at this time," I mused. "Oh of course! But you have to pay for this education. So, let's get you a job! Work for GCU and they will possibly pay up to 100% of your tuition. And you're here, so maybe we can go ahead and get you scheduled for an interview."
Now THIS.......was overwhelming....
"Ma'am, I don't have dress clothes for an interview, nor do I have my resume with me. I'm not sure I'm prepared to interview for a job on this trip." Again, I mused. "Oh, well there's a Ross right around the corner - you can get you great clothes for great prices! And I'm sure you can get someone to email you your resume!" I was NOT getting out of this one.....clearly.
Whatever the case, when I walked away from my little meeting with this very kind lady, I walked straight to my car (luckily parked in a parking garage out of the sun), crawled the backseat (it was a mustang convertible by the way) and curled up into a little ball. I stayed there, paralyzed and unable to move (don't worry, the windows were down and there was a nice breeze) for a good 20 min. I was overwhelmed!!! She wants me to move HERE?!? Yeah right........! I can't breath......I feel like I'm gonna be sick...I AM sick..... And I finally got my composure together enough to make it back to my ghetto hotel - to sleep - for three hours!!!
I was NOT about to "interview" for some job here in Phoenix! No Way!! She must be crazy! And for the rest of my short stay - I attempted to get out and explore some of the "better" parts of Phoenix - you know....little places that would make me feel close to home: Starbucks, Target, Chic-Fil-A....haha. I still felt sick, though. I even called mom and dad and made sure they knew that I did not think I could live here....
Over the next few days, I did come across some cool places and was able to come back with some good things to say. But this was still a very emotional trip for me. One that I would never forget. And although I was not thinking I could live here, I did pick me up a Pandora bead to represent AZ (a sun) to help me remember my short visit to this very different place. This is not my Pandora bracelet, by the way - just a picture to show you the sun bead.
So, now that I'm here, I'm sure you're wondering, "Why??"
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Arizona vs. North Carolina
So, there are a lot of things that are different here in Arizona than in North Carolina, but for this post - I focus mainly on the food chain differences (insert wink face here to all of my NC peeps who know me well).
As some (maybe even most) of you know from my recent Facebook post, I was pleasantly surprised to discover the ever-famous, Panera Bread, is actually "hidden" here in Arizona!! To prevent from boring everyone with the repeat story (from Facebook), I'll be sure to share some other "hidden" chains here in Arizona, but also give you an idea of how big Phoenix really is based on some of these chains!
Panera Bread = Paradise Bakery
It's true, Paradise Bakery & Cafe, found all over, up and down, here in Phoenix, AZ is actually owned by Panera Bread (100% in 2008, originally only 51% in 2007). I had no idea of this fact until I finally
allowed myself to step foot in one just this afternoon. I'm a Panera girl.....I love my Panera....I miss my Panera - but if I can't have my Panera, I guess I'll give Paradise a chance (this is exactly what I've been thinking for the whole month and eight days since I've been here).
Cinnamon Crunch Bagel???? Everything Bagel???? The signs.....the writing on the signs - they look familiar!!!! Almost out of breath, "Excuse me, miss.......are you familiar with 'Panera Bread?!?'" "Yes, they are actually the owners of Paradise!" Well there you have it! I walked out, mouth still wide open; didn't purchase anything - never planned on it - just trying to save a little money. As I started towards the car, I thought to myself, I need to check this out - again...... So I turned around (lol), and went right back inside....
Yes, they have bread bowls, salads, sandwiches, ORANGE SCONES!!!! They have it all - or close to it!! So I gave in, why not try a Mandarin Orange Muffin?!? And it was good - VERY similar to the orange scone itself!! Well now I'm satisfied; the beloved Panera Bread is still with me, right here in Phoenix....
Alright, so here are some cool fun facts to help you compare Phoenix, AZ to good ole' Eastern NC:
There are:
1) two (2) Paradise Bakery Cafe's less than five miles of my apartment complex.
2) approximately thirty-nine (39) within and around Phoenix (please note, this includes, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Glendale, Peoria, Surprise, Deer Valley, and Scottsdale - several suburbs of Phoenix).
Other cool facts:
5) Instead of Kroger, there are Frys (Kroger is the "parent" of Frys)
6) Not only are there Papa John's....but also Papa Murphey's (I think Raleigh has Papa Murphey's)
7) Taco Bell does NOT sell sweet tea here.......(bummer)
8) Chic-fil-A's sweet tea tastes different in AZ than in NC
9) Cracker Barrel's sweet tea tastes different in AZ than in NC
10) Sweet tea is different here......and hard to come by
11) Little Ceaser's $5 Hot & Ready exists!!
12) AZ's "Safeway" is comparable to NC's "Harris Teeter"
13) Although Taco Bell's are all over the place, Del Taco is also very popular in AZ (Taco Bell has better tacos and burritos in my opinion - but Del Taco has a Delux Taco Salad that EVERYONE should try)......Side Note: It looks like there IS a Del Taco in Charlotte!!
14) No Carmike Cinemas in AZ - Harkins, instead
15) No US Cellular in AZ.......:-(
16) No Zaxby's in AZ - TX is the closest state to AZ that has Zaxby's
17) There are a lot of really great places in Arizona that are not in NC (I'll have to do another post to highlight them!!)
Sunday, August 4, 2013
New Furniture
So, some of you may know that right before I left for Phoenix (to move here), I sold all of my furniture and most of my stuff. Therefore, when I got here, I had to get new stuff. For those interested, here are a few pics of my new furniture!!
Yellow chair is from Ross, yellow table is from Target,
and I got a great deal on my blue chair and loveseat from Furniture King!!
I've rearranged my furniture several times, but this is when I first got it all.
The mirror, I got from Homegoods!!
Plants (of course........I had to get my plants), I got from K-Mart
and the Smart TV (so I can get my Netflix) I got from Walmart!
"Denise's Plant" - I gave Denise my former plant like this...:-)
Bentley has a new spot.......:-)
Tree of Life
There are tons of things to do here in Phoenix!! I'm really enjoying new hobbies and activities that I'm trying!!
Here is one I participated in a few weeks ago!! I always wanted to try one of those painting classes - you know, the one where you paint and drink wine (although I'd opt out of the wine part)....
Great experience!! Here are a few photos for you:
Here is one I participated in a few weeks ago!! I always wanted to try one of those painting classes - you know, the one where you paint and drink wine (although I'd opt out of the wine part)....
Great experience!! Here are a few photos for you:
The painting was Gustav Klimt's "Tree of Life." The picture above shows a print close to the original.
This picture is closer to the painting we modeled.
I've tried to upload the picture from ART Revolution Tonight (this is the name of the company I painted with), but I couldn't get it to work. I've added a link in the text here, for you to view the model painting yourself. Click on "Gallery" once you go to the website and you'll see it.
This is Sherry, my neighbor, and her friend, Tonya!! The three of us went together!!
Blank Canvas & Paints...
We followed step-by-step directions, but of course were able to make the painting our own and add our own touch. I chose to use white to brighten the yellow on the top center to really make the center of my tree and branches POP!! That is a virgin margarita, by the way....haha!
Finished product!!
The three of us & our paintings!!
I will certainly do this again!!! So much fun!!!
Starbucks Drive-Thru
So I started this blog with the intentions of telling a story - chronologically. But I just have to skip to the fun stuff!! I have so much to say!!
Phoenix is big.....huge! There are Starbucks EVERYWHERE.....just about on every other corner. The problem: not all of them have drive-thrus!! Bummer!!
Well today, on this Sunday morning - I decided to use my "free" drink on my Gold card to try the new Iced Orange Spice Coffee!! So I googled "drive thru Starbucks," and whatya know - there was one right around the corner on Thunderbird and 41st!! So I grabbed Bent and off we went to the drive-thru Starbucks!!
I had no idea Starbucks offered drinks larger than a Venti!!!! I ordered a Grande Iced Orange Spice Coffee - but the barista insisted that I get the largest, the "Trenta," since there was no size limit on my free drink. So of course, I said, "why not?!?" I asked about the trenta (31 oz cold cup), letting the barista know I had never even heard of this size. She assured me that it's been around for awhile, but only available for iced drinks, mainly teas and coffees.
Heck yeah!!! Check out my Trenta Iced Orange Spice Coffee (with a little bit of non-fat milk)!!!
Well today, on this Sunday morning - I decided to use my "free" drink on my Gold card to try the new Iced Orange Spice Coffee!! So I googled "drive thru Starbucks," and whatya know - there was one right around the corner on Thunderbird and 41st!! So I grabbed Bent and off we went to the drive-thru Starbucks!!
I had no idea Starbucks offered drinks larger than a Venti!!!! I ordered a Grande Iced Orange Spice Coffee - but the barista insisted that I get the largest, the "Trenta," since there was no size limit on my free drink. So of course, I said, "why not?!?" I asked about the trenta (31 oz cold cup), letting the barista know I had never even heard of this size. She assured me that it's been around for awhile, but only available for iced drinks, mainly teas and coffees.
Heck yeah!!! Check out my Trenta Iced Orange Spice Coffee (with a little bit of non-fat milk)!!!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
When I first spoke with the Grand Canyon University, I was very highly impressed. I was able to have a conversation with the woman; and she truly let me tell her about what I wanted and desired out of furthering my education. We spoke for quite awhile, and she encouraged me to speak with other universities and even told me good questions to ask. She encouraged me to do my homework and assured me that she would do hers as well.

Whatever the case, I told my parents what I was actually considering while out for my birthday - Feb. 1. It was strange to tell them; like I said, this Hyde County girl has never even thought of such experiences. The idea was new to them as well, but they were supportive. I stayed in touch with GCU (and other universities, as they continued to contact me) throughout time. And although it was made clear to me that I could complete the program entirely online (with the exception of a few visits to the university regarding my dissertation), I became more interested in actually meeting these people, experiencing Phoenix for myself, and actually checking out the university
Monday, July 15, 2013
New Dreams
Well - welcome to my very first blog!! I figured this was a good way to update everyone who was interested in this new little adventure I've embarked upon; I'll try to post at least once a week or so, and pictures too!
So, as most of you who may be reading this already know, I've just moved to Phoenix, AZ from Greenville, NC. And I'm sure you're all hoping that I'll answer the "big" question......"Why Arizona???" I do hope to answer that throughout this blog, maybe even this post. For now, however, I just want to thank all of those who have been very supportive throughout this process - even so last minute, for some of you.
I want this first post to explain why this change came as such a surprise to everyone. Very little people knew I was even thinking of this move, much less actually going through with it. Most of my closest friends actually found out as I was en route to Arizona with mom.
I have been thinking about a big move for quite awhile, actually. As most of those close to me know, I went through a sad separation and divorce in late 2009 through early 2011. During those times, I was even researching the idea of teaching overseas. I knew it was important, however, to let myself grieve and that such a big move could potentially be a bad idea during the grieving process. As my heart has been healing over time, I've questioned how to move on from here and careful not to gather everyone's opinions. You see, I did that when I went through my separation - gathered everyone's opinions - while, in actuality, it was totally my decision all along and would directly effect ME - not everyone and their sister (although maybe indirectly). I don't mean to be selfish. It's just that all of those opinions brought so much confusion. I could barely hear what my heart was telling me, much less what the Lord was telling me. So this time - in January of 2013 - I kept much of my thoughts and feelings to myself.
I've reached a place where I've realized the forever goals and dreams of a marriage and family before the age of 30 are gone; I'm not able to get those back. I am, however, able to have wonderful, new goals and dreams - and I'm finally letting myself open to these possibilities. The fact of the matter is - these new possibilities are different - different than the norm for a good ole' Hyde County girl. I've never dreamed of getting my doctorate. Heck, I never even dreamed of getting my masters. Whatever the case, since January, I've been in touch with the Grand Canyon University about a particular doctoral degree. Please note that I'm not enrolled into GCU and havn't even applied to the program; but I am strongly considering this possibility. I'm actually still weighing the pros and cons of this decision, and also have a few prerequisites I need to take care of. Anyways, GCU is what made me even think of Arizona. And although I could totally complete the degree online, again - I have been looking for a big move.
Getting a doctorate is a big decision for this Hyde County girl. I might not have a marriage and family by the age of 30, but I still hope to have that one day!! I know all sorts of things can happen - and God has His own plans for me if I'll just let Him do it, but at times I've wondered if getting a doctorate would put off the potential of marriage and a family for even longer. Whatever the case, I'm here in Arizona - and I'm going to let God continue to lead me however He sees fit. I've got so much more to share - but I'll save more for future posts!! Thanks again for your support!!
So, as most of you who may be reading this already know, I've just moved to Phoenix, AZ from Greenville, NC. And I'm sure you're all hoping that I'll answer the "big" question......"Why Arizona???" I do hope to answer that throughout this blog, maybe even this post. For now, however, I just want to thank all of those who have been very supportive throughout this process - even so last minute, for some of you.
I want this first post to explain why this change came as such a surprise to everyone. Very little people knew I was even thinking of this move, much less actually going through with it. Most of my closest friends actually found out as I was en route to Arizona with mom.
I've reached a place where I've realized the forever goals and dreams of a marriage and family before the age of 30 are gone; I'm not able to get those back. I am, however, able to have wonderful, new goals and dreams - and I'm finally letting myself open to these possibilities. The fact of the matter is - these new possibilities are different - different than the norm for a good ole' Hyde County girl. I've never dreamed of getting my doctorate. Heck, I never even dreamed of getting my masters. Whatever the case, since January, I've been in touch with the Grand Canyon University about a particular doctoral degree. Please note that I'm not enrolled into GCU and havn't even applied to the program; but I am strongly considering this possibility. I'm actually still weighing the pros and cons of this decision, and also have a few prerequisites I need to take care of. Anyways, GCU is what made me even think of Arizona. And although I could totally complete the degree online, again - I have been looking for a big move.
Getting a doctorate is a big decision for this Hyde County girl. I might not have a marriage and family by the age of 30, but I still hope to have that one day!! I know all sorts of things can happen - and God has His own plans for me if I'll just let Him do it, but at times I've wondered if getting a doctorate would put off the potential of marriage and a family for even longer. Whatever the case, I'm here in Arizona - and I'm going to let God continue to lead me however He sees fit. I've got so much more to share - but I'll save more for future posts!! Thanks again for your support!!
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